Where do we find the Mass in the Bible? What is the relationship between the two? In ten beautifully produced lessons, Parousia: The Bible and the Mass, answers these questions and more.
In this latest video Bible study from the St. Paul Center, discover why the liturgy is a major theme that runs through the entire Bible, from Genesis to the Book of Revelation. We will not only look to the Law, the Prophets, and life and teachings of Jesus, we’ll also lean on the Doctors of the Church to enhance our understanding of the Mass. We’ll see how the New Testament is concealed in the Old, the Old is revealed in the New, and why both point directly to the Mass, the sign of the New Covenant.
Join host Dr. Scott Hahn, noted apologist and theologian, to uncover how and why all of God’s action, in creation and redemption, is ordered to and centered on, the Mass.
Sessions will be held in the Shrine, starting on Wednesday, February 24, at 7:00PM. Study guide is available for a $20.00 donation. Social distancing and masking, as required by Commonwealth directives, will be required and encouraged. Please contact the office at 508-678-1510 during our regular business hours for more information or to sign up.